Hey there! I’m Melanie

Helping doctors and wellness brands build an online presence that brings clients to you


Have you ever met one of those people who gets nerdy about health — who digs up articles on autoimmunity, micronutrients, environmental toxins, and stealth infections — just for fun? 

Yep, that’s me.

I’ve always loved science. I started out as a biology major but switched to psychology because I was fascinated by the mind. My background in biology helps me understand the topics I write for you. And my background in psychology ensures that my writing speaks to your readers’ hopes, beliefs, and needs. 

I went on to get a Master’s in Social Work and worked as a medical social worker, where my main role was breaking down complex medical topics so patients could understand them.

But when my own child was diagnosed with a severe autoimmune disease, it rekindled my interest in biology and research. And his health—and life—were restored with integrative medicine

I know what it’s like to spend hours online, searching for a doctor to help—one who’s willing to dig for clues to solve the puzzle of chronic illness. I know your target audience because it was me.

I want the world to discover what’s possible with a different approach to health.

This is my dream job — research, writing, design, and helping YOU help people get well.


 You have the skills to change lives — one person at a time.

Let me take care of your marketing so you can get back to doing what you do best — while watching your business and income grow.